Nah diposting yang kali ini aku pengen bagi bagi sedikit koleksi video klip yang keren dari dua Penyanyi Pop Muslim yang sudah lumayan populer. aku suka sebabe mereka bisa begitu konsisten buat tampil beda ditengah-tengah musik pop yang kebanyakan dipasaran ngetren yang bagiku sih cuma bagus di musik dan liriknya saja selebihnya untuk pesan yang disampaikan tentang lagu itu its nothing.

   Selain aransemen yang nicely listening dan bahkan walau disalah satu lagu di video klip ini cuma sekadar gubahan ulang dari lagu lama yang udah populer tapi disitu menjadi terkandung makna yang indah tentang pujian-pujian kepada yang Maha Esa kerenlah pokoke, May Allah always be blessed of you brother.......

Yang Pertama video Klip dari Maher Zain dulu ah, tentang ibu tentang betapa mulianya sosok yang satu ini, There is no one in this world that can take your place Mum...

dan ini beberapa komentar mengenai VC Number One For Me tadi yang aku ambil dari situs youtube web dimana official video klip maher zain diputer itu :

  • "Mum, I'm all grown up now. It's a brand new day.
          I'd like to put a smile on your face every day...." -- I love my Mum! ♥♥
          May Allaah (Swt) reward our parents greatly for their efforts and patience in raising us, ameen!

  • aihhh.. penyabarnye mak die ni. kalau saye la jadi mak budak tu.. dah lame kene geget.
          "i believe in love at first sight. coz i love my mum since the first time i saw her <3 <3"
  • What a great masterpiece. Even my Non-Muslim friends enjoy your songs!!! :)
          Keep it up!
  • Ummi......
          Suddenly I remembered my mother in my homeland, I have to finish my college first! and then I can
          make my mother smile everyday... InshaAllah
         *trying to hold my tears~ :")
  • aaaaww what an amazing song! InshAllah my boys will grow up and I get to see them men and see their kids drive them crazy! I think I might get a heart attack from my boys before then lol! But if I do get to see their kids InshAllah, I will enjoy watching them destroy their house just like they r destroying mine now :)

Dan yang terakhir yang inilah video klip dari Raef, lagu yang dibawakannya merupakan lagu aransemen ulang dari lagu populer milik Chris Brown yang juga pernah di repackage oleh Justin Bieber, monggo dinikmati. Enjoy watching it and lets try to get what the message contained in this nicely song....

Dan ini beberapa komentar untuk video klipnya tersebut :

  • mashallahhh mashallahhh mashallahhhhhh i can't stop smiling everytime i listen to his song :))) the lyrics just makes u stronger .. i just smiles widely "lord u're my all" :))))))) and this going to be my phone ringtone! lolz

  • Realllyyyy I don't what to say just amazing you did it :)) am glad of this no more .. God bless you

  • I was crying so much! This is such an amazing feeling to feel about Allah!

  • oh Allah, this is sweet and I love it ! :') ya Allah I want to be with you

  • i heard chris brown made a cover of this nice nasheed song...

  • Because if I got You, I don't need money! I don't need cars! Lord, you're my all! <3<3<3<3<3

  • Subhanallah, subhanallah..(",). My remembering to Allah increased when I am listening this song. Subhanallah, Jazak Allahu Khayran Katsiran.
         Subhanallah, Big thank to brother Raef... Allahuakbar. Allahu yubarik alaika!
         Indeed, the best brother/sister~when we are seeing/being with him/her, our iman will increase.
         -- Support from Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia--
  • Just wanna say this: I love you guys brothers and sisters! We never met but there is something unique in Islamic brotherhood-sisterhood. MashaAllah. 

Nah itu tadi dua dulu dari beberapa koleksi my nicest song, gak cuma enak di denger tapi juga memberi satu inspirasi tersendiri dan mungkin berbeda-beda bagi setiap orang, silakan intepretasikan sendiri makna dari lagu-lagu tersebut menurut sahabat
